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Bio-Energetics and Quantum Physics

Bio-Energetic practices, most widespread in Eastern disciplines (and not only), teach us that constant training in them can lead to improvements in health and everything that surrounds the very life of each individual.

​Practices that must absolutely not be lost in the memory of humanity, because they are the only tools that man has at his disposal, to enter and remain in contact with nature and with the universe itself (of which we are all part). Studying their techniques, deepening the science related to them and spreading knowledge of them, is part of the tasks of the JOREL FOUNDATION, because they are useful and necessary for improving one’s existence. No project or benefit for humanity can be carried forward, if the health of each individual is not preserved by a healthy mind in a healthy body (as they said in ancient Latin, Mens sana in corpore sano). It is now established by the best scientists in the world, that all the matter present in the universe and therefore our world itself, including every form of life (humanity, animal kingdom, plant kingdom, mineral kingdom), exist in function of frequencies, vibrations, length scale or atomic and subatomic energy, where the previous theories of classical physics, are now obsolete and outdated. From recent scientific studies (observed by cameras), single atoms were shot directed at targets with multiple holes. In these experiments it was found that the same Atoms (of which all matter is composed), could be divided into multiple atoms, if the interlocutor did not observe them, while if they were observed, these remained at a single level, passing through a single hole. From this test, unimaginable scenarios were then opened, which allowed us to understand that the whole world and the reality itself that surrounds us, can be manipulated and that every reality can produce other realities. Theories that in reality had already been described in ancient texts, but that until before the proof occurred, were considered pure theories or even science fiction. The millenary Holistic and Bio-Energetic practices, refer precisely to these universal rules and laws, which deserve to be studied and practiced by every human being. Therefore the JOREL FOUNDATION will not only disseminate them (through courses, seminars, internships and video courses), but through a technical scientific committee, will have them studied in all their forms, to apply them to the different purposes of life. First and foremost to that of health.

Av. Central España 1280, Panamá Province, Panama | Phone: +507 6859 3287 | Email: [email protected]

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