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Our mission

The International Jorel Foundation aims to create environments and places where citizens from all over the world can live in better conditions than the current ones, who are no longer happy with the pace and lifestyle typical of urban cities. Eco-sustainable villages where everyone can have their own super comfortable home equipped with all the energy and climate requirements to live according to the laws of nature, benefiting from genuine foods, self-produced within the village and rules of life more suited to a society increasingly restricted by unsustainable obligations and prohibitions.

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IJF - Fondazione Umanitaria Internazionale

We make humanity's dreams come true

Help us too in this great mission. Become a protagonist of the great change, together with us.

Our projects

Protection of the Environment and the Ecosystem

The JOREL Foundation is committed to creating structures and tools capable of preserving and protecting the environment and nature, according to systems used by ancient peoples around the world.

Social Solidarity

The Jorel Foundation believes that every human being has the right to benefit from every good and service without this being determined by a social role or economic strength. Therefore, the same foundation will create tools to ensure that everyone can have their own dignity of life.

Economic Sustainability

Thanks to circular and solidarity economy tools and techniques, the Jorel Foundation will offer the tools to people all over the world, to allow every human being to be able to obtain an economic base to meet every need that a family deserves to have.

Protection of Civil Rights

There are more and more injustices unloaded on the people by interpretative or preventive laws, very often outdated or belonging to past living conditions in which today’s new society is no longer reflected, therefore the Foundation will offer the possibility thanks to its legal studies to control and protect the real civil rights of its members.

Respect and promotion of natural laws

Ancient peoples knew well the rules for living in symbiosis with nature. Elements and lifestyles that have been lost over the centuries, but that thanks to the Jorel Foundation we will make known to the citizens of every modern people, so that they can all be of help to allow them to be applied again to recreate the conditions of a BETTER WORLD.

Acquire and transmit Culture, Art and Sport

At a time when more and more arts and crafts are being lost, the Jorel Foundation wants to promote knowledge of them through training courses, internships and seminars in collaboration with experts in the sector. For this purpose, specific areas and events will be created to help acquire and transmit this knowledge.


Encourage research and development of new technologies

Choosing to live in compliance with natural laws in symbiosis with nature and its habitat does not mean denying the evolution and technology that human beings can use today. If technology is used to help man while respecting his free will and his privacy, the use of the same for the benefit of people is welcome, therefore the same Jorel Foundation will establish research and development in the field of technology and innovation, respecting LIFE in all its forms. Among the projects there is in fact the construction of technological laboratories that can put into practice the inventions of many misunderstood or unknown geniuses who want to bring improvements in the life of all peoples. Equipped and cutting-edge centers that can allow the experimentation and creation of such resources.

Preserving and transmitting the cultures of ancient and modern peoples

Preserve and spread bio-energetic practices, tribal and village dances, the creation and use of handcrafted musical instruments and singing.

Knowledge of sowing and harvesting, methods of raising livestock, fishing, the preparation of preserved foods and the procedures of different ethnic cuisines. The construction of eco-sustainable homes and adaptations to the seasons and climatic conditions.

Preserve and transmit the cultures of ancient peoples and their customs, to maintain life in harmony with universal and natural laws, human rights, respect for old age, for the disabled, protection of children, respect for women, respect for all indigenous and ethnic peoples and cultures, equality for equal rights, respect for the rights of national minorities, equality and equal rights in the fight against discrimination.

Jackson Heights, New York Factory

Winterton, KwaZulu-Natal Factory


We carry out scientific research with scholarships in collaboration with Schools and Universities, create social life centers for the elderly, training and specialization schools for children and adults, art schools, dance and singing schools.


Organization and implementation of educational activities in primary schools for the benefit of rural communities and disadvantaged families, support for parental schools, support for structures dedicated to children, the elderly and families in difficulty; Organization of workshops on social and environmental issues, natural dynamics, agriculture and use of low environmental impact technology, organization of workshops on social and environmental issues, organization of workshops on food and family, organization of workshops on youth behavior disorders, organization of specialized professional workshops for business founders to improve business, organization of computer literacy courses for adults, organization of courses for educators in close collaboration with the foundation;

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Together for a better world!

Promotion of human dignity, provision of support and technical material for Associates, promotion of Social Economy, educational activities on intercultural development, development of a network of participants in educational activities of international operators and planning and cooperation activities;

The 9 humanitarian pillars of the Foundation

Among the many goals and projects of the foundation, we highlight the nine main points that we have set ourselves to achieve.


Research and application of the most functional methods in the field of health will be carried out with traditional and modern experts, so that everyone can benefit from the most suitable systems in dealing with different physical problems, also with the use of high-tech techniques, remedies and functional tools and machines.

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Knowledge and dissemination of food properties that are useful and necessary for our health. Natural breeding methods, to obtain more genuine meat, natural cultivation techniques, with the creation of ancient seed banks, methods of preparation and conservation of prepared foods. Training schools and video courses with the best experts.

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Preserving family values ​​is one of the characteristics that the JOREL FOUNDATION wants to carry forward, thanks to the support of assistants and psychologists, able to help families in dealing with cohabitation or abandonment.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.


A home is one of the primary needs of a human being and a family's life. Having and maintaining it, preserving ownership or the right to live there, without anyone being able to seize it, are at the top of the priorities of the JOREL FOUNDATION.

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Energy is another of the vitally important and necessary characteristics of every human being and every family. There are numerous alternatives to be able to produce and use alternative energies and research in the sector with our scientists, will make us bring to light the different options available.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.


Among the indispensable tools for social and community life, there is undoubtedly remote communication, in all its forms. From television to telephony, from video communications to sending documents, videos, texts, audio, photos, etc.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.

Art, Culture, Training and Education

Every Art, Craft, Science and Knowledge, we want to be maintained over time and transmitted to future populations. Therefore, the JOREL FOUNDATION, plans to create Internships, Seminars and Video Courses, in collaboration with the best professionals in the sector.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.

Bio-Energetics and Quantum Physics

Bio-Energetic practices, most widespread in Eastern disciplines (and not only), teach us that constant training in them can lead to improvements in health and in everything that surrounds the very life of each individual.

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.

Circular and Solidarity Economy of Donation

For some millennia there has been a circular economy technique, based on giving, that few know about but is widespread among indigenous peoples and village tribes around the world. A mathematical and geometric technique (of Sumerian origin) that has allowed in the past and present, to benefit from abundance, created and redistributed within the same communities (especially in African, South American and Jewish ones)

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dumy text of the printing typesetting industry lorem ipsum.

the Jorel villages

The villages of light of the
Jorel Foundation

JOREL VILLAGE: The Villages of the JOREL Foundation will be built in several places on Earth. Villages built with special and self-sustainable homes from every point of view, from the energy used to the innovative furnishing comforts. Anti-seismic homes, with fire and flood protection, made with 3D printers and with natural wooden materials, so that you can live in harmony with nature, according to the knowledge of ancient peoples. Houses equipped with a Garden, Family Garden, Personal Swimming Pool, Garage, Underground Pantry, Terrace and free Water and Energy Recovery Systems for the needs of the family and the entire Village. Villages equipped with kindergartens, private and specialized schools, health centers, supermarkets for the basic needs of each family (primarily food), collective garden for natural cultivations (without pesticides and with ancient seeds), local livestock farms, structures dedicated to the socialization of elderly or lonely people, Study and Application Centers in the various forms of Art, International Digital Video Libraries and Bookstores, Sports Areas, Social Entertainment points, Scientific Laboratories, Centers for sharing free Services and Assistance, Craft Creation Activities, Mobile First Aid Areas, Heliport for urgent travel, Taxi Service to reach other Inhabited Centers, etc.

Based on the size of the available land, V1, V2 and V3 level Villages may be created, where among these, there will also be the recovery and renovation of entire villages abandoned and uninhabited for years, which will be brought back to the light of social life, regenerating them with a new and innovative energy, which will follow the same construction formula of the Primary Villages, but with some specific adaptation elements.

There are many lands that are offered to us for the construction of the JOREL Light Villages, between Mexico, Croatia, Thailand and Sardinia and Tuscany in Italy, but even more abandoned villages that could see the construction of the first JOREL villages by 2026.


Choose which of the Foundation's Projects you wish to support.

As you may have understood, the INTERNATIONAL JOREL FOUNDATION has many projects to carry out, each of which requires sufficient economic funds for their realization. Therefore, you decide which of these you intend to support thanks to your Donation. We will keep you updated on the progressive developments that will be carried out for each of them, as we increase the amount of budgets obtained from supporters. We will not forget about you!


Make your Donation to support the creation of the Villages of Light of the JOREL Foundation, so that as soon as possible, one can choose to live in areas free from the pollution of urban life, so that those who want to benefit from alternative existential styles, can choose to live them as soon as possible. Maybe you yourself?

Art, Culture, Education and Training

Help us support the creation of Art Study Centers, Schools and Teachers who can offer Training in the different subjects of Didactic and Artistic Study.

Circular and Solidarity Economy of Donation

Help us to cushion and support the costs of creating, managing and maintaining the Circular Economy platform, Islands of Change (software updates, technicians, support, assistance, servers, translations, materials for audio, video and graphic communication, office, bills, etc.).

BioEnergetics and Quantum Physics

Help us support the costs of Teachers and Researchers, who will be able to acquire and transmit knowledge on Bio-Energetic practices and applied Quantum Physics, thanks to travel and in-depth studies on the subject by our researchers, which can be shared with all humanity, through internships and live seminars and educational video courses.

Activities and Organization

Help us build and support the Department of Citizen and Family Assistance. From listening centers for the protection of women and children, to human rights protection centers, property protection, international civil legal advice and support.



In this area you can send your Donation to the INTERNATIONAL JOREL FOUNDATION, to support one of the projects described so far.

Whatever amount of money you decide to donate to us, it will certainly be important to allow the realization of our projects and therefore to collaborate in the change so long awaited by millions of people in the world, where we are sure we can do our part.

We can be a beacon for many, but to be able to realize our projects, we also need your help.

Thank you in advance!


Click on the button and choose the method to send your gift (bank transfer, card, paypal, wallet).


Av. Central España 1280, Panamá Province, Panama | Phone: +507 6859 3287 | Email: [email protected]

© 2025 International JOREL Foundation